Singing... easy, some may say.
Singing in Public. All these requisites like voice, skills, overcoming stage fright.. the list goes on are a must.
But, singing is fun, singing is fulfilling and singing is exciting, at least to me and our 'kaki'.
Singing is also tough job, singing is pain taking and singing is challenging etc etc etc
It is like once the Cookies' commercial " Now you see, now you donot." Yeah, you thought you have mastered it, then you realize, no, you have not. And when you tell some one you have attended vocal training for 2-3 years, they will tell you, ' yeah, still a long way to go.'
Some may ask, why spend so much times, effort etc to learn, there is no hope that you will become singers.. TRUE. BUT, me and my ' kaki' will tell you singing is fun, singing is fufilling, singing is exciting and the list goes on...